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50个常见的Argument Essay Topics

更新时间:2020-07-05 16:37:14 浏览次数:121次
区域: 盐城 > 亭湖
  不知道留学生们在写作Essay的时候,是否都能想到比较好的topic呢!如果一下子想不到合适的topic,那么是非常影响Essay写作效率的。所以同学们平时不妨花点时间收集一些Essay Topics,这样到用的时候就非常方便了。下面就给大家分享一些<a href="http://www.hot***/news_show.php?id=1081">Argument Essay</a> Topics.

  50 Topic Ideas for Argument Essays




  1.Is global climate change caused by humans?

  2.Is the death penalty effective?

  3.Is our election process fair?

  4.Is torture ever acceptable?

  5.Should men get paternity leave from work?

  6.Are school uniforms beneficial?

  7.Do we have a fair tax system?

  8.Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?

  9.Is cheating out of control?

  10.Are we too dependent on computers?

  11.Should animals be used for research?

  12.Should cigarette smoking be banned?

  13.Are cell phones dangerous?

  14.Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?

  15.Do we have a throw-away society?

  16.Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago?

  17.Should companies market to children?

  18.Should the government have a say in our diets?

  19.Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy?

  20.Should members of Congress have term limits?

  21.Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?

  22.Should athletes be held to high moral standards?

  23.Are CEOs paid too much?

  24.Do violent video games cause behavior problems?

  25.Should creationism be taught in public schools?

  26.Are beauty pageants exploitative?

  27.Should English be the official language in the United States?

  28.Should the racing industry be forced to use biofuels?

  29.Should the alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased?

  30.Should everyone be required to recycle?

  31.Is it okay for prisoners to vote?

  32.Should gay couples be able to marry?

  33.Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school?

  34.Does boredom lead to trouble?

  35.Should schools be in session year-round?

  36.Does religion cause war?

  37.Should the government provide health care?

  38.Should abortion be illegal?

  39.Are girls too mean to each other?

  40.Is homework harmful or helpful?

  41.Is the cost of college too high?

  42.Is college admission too competitive?

  43.Should euthanasia be illegal?

  44.Should marijuana be legal?

  45.Do rich people need to pay more taxes?

  46.Should schools require foreign language or physical education?

  47.Is affirmative action fair or not?

  48.Is public prayer okay in schools?

  49.Are schools and teachers responsible for low test scores?

  50.Is greater gun control a good idea?

  以上就是关于Argument Essay Topics的分享,同学们在写作Argument Essay的时候可以参考一下这些Topics.
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